
A Course Management System (CMS) allows you to publish your courses online directly from your TMS.

training management

Peddlesoft's Course Management System (CMS): Simplifying Course Publishing and Sales


Peddlesoft offers a comprehensive Course Management System (CMS) designed to streamline the process of publishing and selling courses online. By integrating with your Training Management System (TMS), our CMS eliminates the need for manual updates and ensures that your website always reflects the latest course information.

Key Features

  1. Single-Source Publishing: With our CMS, you can publish courses directly from your TMS to your website, eliminating the need to update information in multiple places.
    • Seamless Integration: The CMS integrates seamlessly with your TMS, allowing for effortless course publishing and updates.
    • Real-time Updates: Any changes made in your TMS are immediately reflected on your website, ensuring that your course information is always up to date.
  1. E-commerce Integration: Our CMS allows you to sell your courses directly through your website, offering a convenient and secure way for customers to purchase training.
    • Online Payments: Customers can make payments for courses online, making the purchasing process quick and easy.
    • Payment Gateway Integration: The CMS integrates with popular payment gateways, ensuring secure transactions.
  1. Course Management Tools: The CMS provides tools to help you manage your courses effectively and efficiently.
    • Course Catalog: Display all your courses in a user-friendly catalog, making it easy for customers to find and enroll in courses.
    • Enrollment Management: Manage course enrollments, track student progress, and generate reports to monitor course performance.
  1. Customization Options: The CMS offers customization options to tailor the look and feel of your course pages to match your branding.
    • Branding Options: Customize the layout, colors, and fonts to create a cohesive brand experience for your customers.
    • Template Library: Choose from a library of pre-designed templates to create professional-looking course pages with ease.
  1. Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into your course performance with built-in analytics and reporting tools.
    • Course Performance Metrics: Track metrics such as enrollment rates, completion rates, and revenue generated from course sales.
    • Custom Reports: Generate custom reports to analyze specific aspects of your course offerings and identify areas for improvement.


Peddlesoft's Course Management System (CMS) offers a powerful solution for publishing and selling courses online. With its seamless integration with your TMS, e-commerce capabilities, and robust management tools, our CMS simplifies the process of managing your courses and helps you grow your training business.